Friday, March 12, 2010

How to Read a Nutrition Label Part 2

Now that you are all nutrition panel numeric geniuses thanks to my previous post - How to read a nutrition label part 1, I will now move on to what I deem to be the most important aspect of the nutrition label - the ingredients list.

Currently, law in Australia permits that if an ingredient is less than 10% of the overall component of the food they don't have to list it on the ingredients list. This means that often preservatives and such will be added and they don't even have to list it! Diabolical I know...... there is not a lot we can do about it so lets instead make do with what we've got.

Ok, so the ingredients are often listed from most quantity to least quantity. So what exactly are we looking for? Well if you don't understand the ingredient, you cant read the ingredient or even pronounce it then its probably been grown in a chemical lab, which is a big no no for the liver and our other sacred organs. Any ingredient that can be written with numbers instead of words is also a big no no. However, I understand that sometimes we want to consume a little preservative 220 because its in our favourite chocolate bar and its a "sometimes" food right????
Look, I totally accept this. Unfortunately chemicals and preservatives have become so much a part of our foods. Thats not to say we have to eat them. There are plenty of organic and healthy alternatives but it does take effort. I strongly feel though, if we bother to take this effort now and choose real foods, not chemical concoctions we will be much better off in the long run.

So in the mean time there are few main things I suggest if you ever see on an ingredient list you should walk (or run) straight on by-

1.) High Fructose Corn Syrup/Corn Syrup/Fructose Syrup
- Found in pre - packaged desserts, ice creams, ice cream toppings, cereals, processed cakes/biscuits.
- Effect: Goes straight to the liver and causes fatty deposits to build up. Linked to ADD in children. Messes with the message signals that alert us that we are full causing over eating, currently being studied as the main cause of obesity.

2.) Aspartame/ Artificial Sweeteners
- Found in diet soft drinks, no sugar products.
- Effect: believe it or not sugar is better because its real! Artificial sweeteners have been proved time and time again to cause cancer. Just google the word and you will find as many scientific case studies as your little heart desires.

3.) Anti-Caking agent
- Found in grated cheese, refined foods, table salt
- Effect: interferes with vitamin absorption, weakens stomach acids, can cause muscle cramps, skin problems. Said to contribute to Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons Disease and hyperactivity in children.

4.) Sodium Nitrate
- This is often a tricky one to find on food labels because its not usually used in high doses- this doesn't mean its ok! Look for it in bacon, canned or smoked meats, luncheon meats- any meat that has an extreme red colour to it.
- Effect: causes cancer

5.) Monosodium Glutamate or MSG
- Found in asian foods, packet soups, stock cubes, seasonings
- Effect: causes nausea, migraines, swelling, rashes, eczema. Studies have also reported a link between MSG consumption and obesity.

6.) Artificial colours and flavourings
- Found in candy, confectionary, cordials, soft drinks. Often listed as a number.
- Effect: learning disorders, ADHD, ADD

A general rule of thumb besides the 'if you cant understand it, read it or pronounce it' rule is that if it has more than 5 ingredients its too processed. The more processed a food is the more damaged it is and the more exposure it has had to chemicals. The best thing to do is always choose fresh foods or foods with a clean ingredients list- that is one with no numbers and clear, easy to understand food items.

So, just to recap what you can do to ensure your body is as free from chemicals as possible -
  • choose fresh foods or make your own
  • look for minimal ingredients on an ingredient list
  • avoid preservatives and additives, artificial colours and flavours (often written as numbers)
  • stay away from high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners and trans fats
  • Avoid MSG, anti caking agent and sodium nitrates
  • look for foods with less than 10g of sugar and saturated fats per 100g
And remember "if you cant read it, understand it or pronounce it" on an ingredient list - stay away from it!

Hope this has helped!

Love to you all.

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