Thursday, July 5, 2012

Orange & Butternut Ravioli with Kale and Zucchini

This is not really a recipe but more of a cooking INSPIRATION.

I love pasta, and I know a lot of people view it as the enemy, particularly if you are trying to loose weight, but I have a soft spot for ravioli. It doesn't feel as stodgy as a bowl of pasta does to me, for some reason I find it lighter. Maybe because the filling takes away some of the carbie-ness and gives it more richness.

Anyway, I hope this recipe inspires you to make something delicious!

I purchased Orange infused butternut ravioli and mixed with it some Kale and Zucchini which had been lightly sauteed in garlic and rice bran oil. I lightly drizzled chilli sauce on top. It was delicious.

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