Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pomegranate Porridge

There is nothing more warming in the morning than a bowl of porridge.
You really don't have to limit your porridge recipe to just oats, there are a host of other grains you can use like rice or quinoa. But regardless of what grain you choose to devour why not try adding some fresh fruit inspiration?

Take a look at these deliciously juicy, ruby red pomegranate seeds!

Pomegranates are so delicious and good for you! These little seeds are so rich in antioxidants which as we all know, are so good for you! Antioxidants help stop and repair cell damage and have an anti-cancer and anti-ageing effect.

On top of all that Pomegranates are an excellent source of Vitamin C and potassium and have also been shown to improve erectile dysfunction.

Mediterranean and Eastern cultures consider pomegranates to be a symbol of fertility and prosperity and  they are often present during cultural celebrations like weddings.

Slicing up a pomegranate can be kind of tricky but trust me, it is well worth the effort! Some people prefer to suck on the seeds and discard them but the seeds actually contain a great source of fiber so feel free to munch away.

The next time you are at the market pick up a pomegranate and enjoy the delicious health benefits!

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