Friday, June 15, 2012

Toasted Oats with blackberries & kefir

Ok, so this recipe came about when I was too lazy/ unorganised to make a batch of granola (see previous post) so this is a really quick way to do it in the morning.

Get one serve of oats, spread them out on a piece of foil and stick them in the broiler/griller. Watch them as they will burn easily! Keep mixing them every few minutes. It should take about 3-4 minutes depending on the heat of your broiler.

Add blackberries (or any fresh fruit you like), dried fruit/nuts/seeds etc and top with plain kefir, your choice of milk or yoghurt. I also sprinkle mine with ground linseeds for extra nutrition! YUM!!!

  • What is kefir?
Kefir is like drinking yoghurt but it has a bunch more probiotics/ good bacteria added! It tastes like yoghurt and is so good for you and your digestion. Be warned, do not buy flavoured Kefir! It has so much sugar added and these good bacterias find it difficult so survive in sugary environments! Including your gut! So watch that sugar intake!!! 

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