Thursday, December 6, 2012

Healthy Grain-Free Stuffed Turkey Breast (Just in time for Christmas)

Ok guys, I am going to share with you a simply delicious, easy and healthy turkey recipe!

This is a really great recipe to use if you don't want to cook a whole bird, the stuffing is also fruit and nut based and its so yummy I was eating it straight out of the food processor! 

Here's what you will need:

Serves 8

2 turkey breasts, skin on
Butchers twine
3 large carrots
4 large stalks of celery
Fresh sage
Fresh Parsley
Roasting Pan

Grain-Free Stuffing:
1/2 cup chopped onions
2 cloves of garlic
3tbs freshly chopped sage
3tbs fresh parsley
1/4 cup hazelnuts
1/4 cup chopped dates (seeds removed)
1/4 cup chopped dried apricots (sulphur free)
1 tsp lemon zest
1/2 stick of butter

To prepare Stuffing:
- Saute onions and garlic in the butter until cooked. Cool slightly.
-Combine all ingredients and onion mix in a food processor and blend till it comes together to form a paste. You can adjust any of the ingredients above to suit your tastes.

To prepare turkey:
(I will try to make this as user-friendly as possible, this was the first time I ever cooked turkey so I will try to help you guys out as much as I can!)

1.) Place the turkey on a large chopping board and using a sharp knife remove the turkey skin. We want to keep the skin so the trick is to cut around the edges and then pull it off using your hands.

2.) Place the turkey skin side down on the board and gently butterfly the turkey breast. To do that you want to run your knife along the fillet edge to open it up. Basically we are trying to make the turkey breast nice and flat. Just be careful you don't cut all the way through. Feel free to google/youtube a tutorial to help you or ask your butcher to do it for you :)

3.) Once the turkey breast is butterflied you want to rub it with some salt and pepper. Then get about half your stuffing mix and place it evenly on the turkey breast leaving a border.

4.) Then you want to roll it up and then rest the turkey skin back on top of the breast- this keeps the flavour in. The roll will not be tight, but thats ok because you are going to secure it with the butchers twine. If you dont know how to do the butchers loop just tie equally spaced knots along the turkey breast to keep it all together. Stuffing will fall out so don't panic!

5.) Then just repeat the same process with the other turkey breast. I used an organic free range turkey so each turkey breast served about 4 people.

6.) Next you want to season the turkey rolls and rub some olive oil over the outside.

7.) To prepare the roasting pan:
-Cut large chunks of carrot and celery and place it around the pan.
- You can also use some of the left over sage and parsley for added flavour.
(The veggies need to be large as they are going to be in the oven for a long time!)

8.) Place the turkey rolls in the roasting pan. Put about an inch of water (or stock, if you have it)  in the roasting pan and cover with foil.

9.) Place pan into the oven at 350F  degrees for 1 hour. Then remove foil and roast for another 1/2 hour or until cooked.

(ignore the turkey breast in the middle, we just had that one as a plain/ stuffing free option- which might I add, no one wanted!)

10.) Once cooked allow to rest for 20 minutes before slicing. Enjoy!

Friday, November 2, 2012

TJ's Pumpkin Muffins

If you live in California chances are you will know and love Trader Joe's grocery stores.
While I am not a huge fan of their pre-packaged produce I do think they have some great, affordable products.
I was keen to try their Pumpkin Bread and Muffin Mix, I hate packet mix cakes but this one is actually a winner!
As usual I altered some of the cooking directions. Here is my version......

The mix requires:
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 cup of water

I used 2 organic eggs, 1/2 cup of olive oil (of course you can use coconut, rice bran etc.) and instead of adding 1 cup of water I used 1/2 cup of almond milk and 1/2 cup of water.

I then also added 1/2 cup of finely grated carrot for extra nutrition.

The mix is a bit runnier than normal muffin mix but the addition of almond milk makes the muffins moist and fluffy! The carrot goes really well in these too, its a perfect way to sneak in some veggies!

Other additions you could experiment with:
- Nuts  (pecans, walnuts etc.)
- Cream cheese frosting
- Dried fruit (cranberries etc)
- grated zucchini (just watch the water content, you may need to add less water)
- chocolate chips
- lemon/orange zest

Whether you alter the recipe for nutrition or taste this versatile muffin mix is definitely a great Autumnal treat!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Low Carb Tortilla Pizza

Using a whole wheat tortilla as a pizza base is a great low carb alternative to traditional pizza bases. A traditional pizza base has about 40g of carbs per serve whereas most tortillas have about 20g.

The fact that they are thin also make them super easy and quick to prepare and they crisp up nicely around the edges.

Check out my Tortilla Base Pizza:

To enhance the nutritional properties I used lots of veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, rocket, spinach, tomato and onions. Instead of using traditional pizza sauce I used salsa for an extra kick. I finished it all off with pine nuts and shredded cheese.

I baked this pizza in a toaster oven for about 5 min- you definitely want to keep an eye on this one as it can burn easily!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pomegranate Porridge

There is nothing more warming in the morning than a bowl of porridge.
You really don't have to limit your porridge recipe to just oats, there are a host of other grains you can use like rice or quinoa. But regardless of what grain you choose to devour why not try adding some fresh fruit inspiration?

Take a look at these deliciously juicy, ruby red pomegranate seeds!

Pomegranates are so delicious and good for you! These little seeds are so rich in antioxidants which as we all know, are so good for you! Antioxidants help stop and repair cell damage and have an anti-cancer and anti-ageing effect.

On top of all that Pomegranates are an excellent source of Vitamin C and potassium and have also been shown to improve erectile dysfunction.

Mediterranean and Eastern cultures consider pomegranates to be a symbol of fertility and prosperity and  they are often present during cultural celebrations like weddings.

Slicing up a pomegranate can be kind of tricky but trust me, it is well worth the effort! Some people prefer to suck on the seeds and discard them but the seeds actually contain a great source of fiber so feel free to munch away.

The next time you are at the market pick up a pomegranate and enjoy the delicious health benefits!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Comfort Food Pasta

As a kid I grew up eating a lot of pasta, it was probably (and sometimes still is!) my favourite food. Nowadays the thought of twirling strands of spaghetti onto my fork is not as appealing as it once was, but on those days where I  just need a little comforting I tend to crave pasta.
And believe it or not, there is scientific reason behind this.

Carbohydrate rich foods like pasta enhance tryptophan levels which in turn increases serotonin levels. Serotonin is the chemical that makes us feel good! It is also released during exercise so you could always go do that instead.....

But anyway, here is the ultimate comfort food for the health conscious (just because its comfort food doesn't mean it can't be a little healthy) -

Serves 2

1/8 pack of angel hair pasta
1 can of Tomato Bisque Soup (I used Amy's Organic Brand)
1/2 red onion, chopped
3 cloves of garlic, chopped finely
1/4 bunch of flat leaf parsley (yes for all you foodies that can tell, in the pic I used cilantro because I didn't have any parsley- it still tasted good though!!)
1/2 cup of cheese
2 cups of broccoli florets

1.) Cook the pasta according to the directions on the packet (feel free to substitute gluten free pastas)
2.) Saute the onions and garlic in a pan in a little rice bran oil until just cooked and then add the broccoli and the can of bisque soup.
3.) Simmer the sauce for 15-25 min until it thickens slightly.
4.) Toss in the angel hair pasta and coat with the sauce and add the cheese
5.) Top with fresh parsley
6.) Serve!

This is my kind of comfort food, it still contains a good source of veggies (this dish probably equates to 3 nutritional serves of vegetables!) and its quick and easy to prepare.

Comfort food is different for everyone but just remember, cooking it with love and purpose is what is really going to make it extra special!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Love Quinoa

Quinoa is a super food for so many reasons!

Quinoa is eaten as a grain but it is actually a seed. It has a mild, nutty taste and goes great with anything!!

It is the only plant source of complete protein making it perfect for vegetarians and vegans! But the beauty doesn't end there, quinoa is full of nutrients such as calcium, omega fatty acids, magnesium, antioxidants and tryptophan!

Antioxidants are important for protection against free radicals which cause ageing, cancers, inflammation and disease.

Tryptophan is a 'feel good' amino acid and is responsible for making the chemicals in our brain that make us happy!

Check out my Cilantro Pesto Quinoa with Mushrooms & Zucchini. This literally took 20 minutes to prepare and cook.

To start, begin cooking the quinoa using the directions on the packet. Quinoa contains self-forming saponins so you should wash it before using.

While the quinoa is on the boil chop up 1 large zucchini and 2 cloves of garlic. Throw them in a pan with a bit of rice bran oil. Cook till nearly done and then add the chopped mushroom (I used portobello).
Saute the veggies till they are soft and a little golden. Season to taste- I added, sea salt, pepper, chilli flakes & a cap full of apple cider vinegar. (Hint: add the apple cider vinegar once its off the heat, you don't to destroy the 'mother' culture).

For the cilantro pesto I used a delicious one that I picked up from the farmers market, it is simply just blended cilantro and lemon juice- you could easily make it at home!

Once everything is cooked, add the veggies to the quinoa and add a tablespoon of the cilantro pesto (its strong!)

If you don't like cilantro (coriander) you can use basil pesto instead.


Friday, September 21, 2012

The Health Benefits of Tempeh

Look, Tempeh is not the most attractive member of the soy family but one thing is for sure, its super healthy. If you are vegetarian or vegan, Tempeh should pretty much be a 'must have' in your diet.


Well, Tempeh is a great source of B12, actually its one of the only vegan/vegetarian products that have a rich source of B12. Once you have a B12 deficiency there is no return! So you definitely want to make sure you are getting lots of this goodie vitamin.

So, what is Tempeh?

Tempeh is fermented soy. Fermented soy is great as its easy to digest and doesn't have the phytoestrogenic effects of regular soy. I am sure you have all heard a lot of conflicting advice about eating soy, well fermented soy is the best way to consume soy products.

Tempeh can be delicious protein source if you know know to cook it. Check out this easy and quick tempeh salad-


1 block of organic non-GMO Tempeh
Your favourite marinade (I recommend Kona Coast Island Teriyaki Marinade)
Rice bran spray oil (or any other high smoke point oil)

-Cut the tempeh into thin strips, maybe 1/2 -1cm thick.
-Spread them out in a dish and coat with the marinade (about 2 -3 tbs for one block of tempeh)
- Leave the tempeh to marinate for about 15-30min
- Heat a fry pan with a little spray oil and cook tempeh on medium heat for 4-6 min on each side.
- Serve with your favourite salad greens and veggies ;)

Of course you make your own marinade, tempeh goes well with pretty much any kind of sauce so feel free to use whatever is your favourite!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Portobello Mushroom Burger with 'Grass Fed' Cheese

Check this out....

Looks good huh?? 

Portobello Mushrooms are a great vegan/ vegetarian substitute for a regular meat patty. Sure they lack in protein but they are a great source of B vitamins and selenium! 

A couple of ways to make your sandwich healthier is to use sandwich thins rather than thick hamburger buns or use lettuce leaves to hold it all together, this way you are cutting back on the carbs. 

But what I really want you to pay attention to is the use of Corn- Fed cow milk which is used in majority of the cheese and dairy products here in the USA. (For my Aussie readers, all cows are grass fed so this is not a problem! )

Feeding corn to cows has got to be the worst idea since Monsanto patented the GM Soybean. 

Here's the story- 

Corn is fed to cows in the USA because its cheap. Cows cannot digest corn properly so what happens is that it ferments in their gut and causes the cow to become sick. To counteract the sickness the cows are fed hormones, antibiotics and a host of other chemical compounds. Then, you guessed it, the cow is milked and all the hormones and antibiotics are leached into the cow milk  and into the dairy by-products like cheese. Yuk!

Grass fed, organic dairy is the best way to go to avoid consuming chemical, hormonal by products in your food. This applies to meat, dairy and milk! 


1 serve

1 portobello Mushroom
1 Sandwich thin pulled in half (or two lettuce cups)
1 tbs. your favourite organic pasta/ marinara sauce 
2 tbs. grass fed cow cheese
1/2 cup of baby spinach leaves
balsamic vinegar
rice bran oil spray 


1.) Spray your pan with rice bran oil spray (or you can use any other high smoke point oil) and place the portobello in the pan and cook on each side for 3-5 min. Once cooked drizzle with balsamic vinegar. Leave to cool.

2.) If you are using sandwich thins, toast them lightly in the broiler/ griller 

3.) To assemble the burger place the spinach on the bread, top with the mushroom, the pasta/marinara sauce, cheese and finish off with the other bread half!

This recipe is SO simple, feel free to adjust and add whatever you want! 


And remember- GO GRASS FED! 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Imaginative Yogurt Parfait

Whether you are gluten free, lactose intolerant, carb conscious, vegetarian, vegan or simply watching your waistline, there is something in this sweet treat for everyone!

Forget ditching the diet when it comes to dessert time, why not opt for a healthy but equally delicious Yogurt Parfait!

There are tonnes of substitutions (which is why I named this entry imaginative yogurt parfait!) with this recipe but here is what I used in the pic:

Makes 1

1 kashi soft cherry vanilla breakfast bar
1 tub (200g) of greek yogurt
1/2 cup of organic blueberries

In a saucepan throw the berries or fruit with enough water to lightly cover the base of the pan, let the berries cook till the soften down and become mushy. About 10 minutes. You may need to keep adding water as you go on. This is your sauce, you can add more water if you want it runnier. Once cooled it should be a smooth gel like consistency.

In a parfait glass crush up 1/2 of the breakfast bar to form the base, next spoon a layer of the greek yoghurt and drizzle with the blueberry sauce that has cooled as well as some fresh blueberries.

Keep repeating each layer until you have filled your parfait glass!

Refrigerate and serve!!

Now here is where the imagination comes into play! Check out these substitutions and follow your heart to whatever you want to use!

Instead of....

A breakfast bar: try graham cracker crumbs, crushed oreos, crushed choc chip cookies, cake crumbs, toasted oats, toasted coconut flakes, cereal, choc bits, chopped nuts, ground flaxseeds

Blueberries: try strawberries, raspberries, mango, peaches, cherries, apricot, apple, pear, nectarines, plums etc etc

Greek yogurt: Coconut yogurt (if you are lactose intolerant), sheep yogurt

See where your imagination takes you!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Farmers Market Figs

Never underestimate the value of simple cooking with good quality ingredients. Just by adding a few high quality, fresh ingredients you can instantly jazz up your meal and increase its vitality! 

Try using fresh herbs instead of dried, use good quality oils in cooking and in dressings and never underestimate the bold flavour of farmers market fruit and veggies! 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not create a quick and simple meal that is full of vitality and life! 

Here I have taken a plain and simple cardboard box granola and added some life to it by using fresh figs straight from the market.

Sometimes its the little things that make all the difference......

Go on, add some vitality to your meals!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Banana Cake Ice Cream Sandwich

Carbs are my weakness, the thought of biting into a moist cake or a chewy cookie will get me every time. So I have come up with a cool way to reduce portion sizes on those treats we all love.

Check out my Banana Cake Ice- Cream Sandwich.

I took a regular wholegrain banana nut muffin from the supermarket, (yes, sure it was loaded with preservatives and many chemical ingredients but hey, sometimes a girl just wants a muffin!) cut it in half and hollowed out the insides. I love the muffin top (hahaha no pun intended!) so I left that in tack.

The idea is to scoop out as much of the middle as you can. But it doesn't end there, to replace the insides of the hollow muffin, add one scoop of ice cream!!

I used green tea ice cream but you can choose whatever flavour you desire!

Look, its not healthy but it sure is good! And you are significantly reducing your portion size but not taking away any of the yumminess!


Lost at Sea in a Lentil Salad

Sadly, we are coming to the end of summer.
The days of eating salads and refreshing meals will slowly fade away and be replaced with hearty stews and steaming hot soups.....BUT, until then we can all rejoice in this Lentil Salad.

I love this lentil salad because its hearty enough to be a meal but is still light and refreshing for the summer.

As always, its quick and easy too!

To get started you will need;

1 red onion finely diced
1 pack of trader joe's steamed french style lentils (of course you can use fresh lentils or canned)
6-7 cups of baby spinach
1 block of reduced fat fetta, cubed
1 bunch of italian parsley, chopped
olive oil
balsamic vinegar.

1.) Combine the onion and parsley in a large bowl and coat lightly with olive oil. Toss and set aside.
2.) Meanwhile to prepare the lentils heat a fry pan with a little spray oil and gently warm the lentils.
3.) Add the lentils to the onion mix and throw in the spinach and fetta cubes. The warm lentils will help lightly wilt the spinach and make the fetta creamy - yum!
4.) Drizzle with a really good quality balsamic vinegar and more olive oil.
5.) Serve!

(Makes 7 serves)



Thursday, August 2, 2012

Enriching Desserts & Cinnamon

I love eating dessert, I mean lets face it, who doesn't??? I don't think we should ever feel guilty around food,  I am a firm believer that when you are in alignment with your body and its needs there is no need for fad diets or negative feelings around food. Easier said than done, but I think working towards this should be the goal.

In the mean time, why not add some nutrition to your desserts?! It can be as simple as adding some ground linseeds to your ice cream or using more nutritious ingredients such as organic eggs, using raw sugar or natural sweeteners like stevia or agave, and using rice bran oil instead of vegetable oil. Simple huh?!

Need more convincing?? Check out this dessert----

Looks good huh??!!

Well the focus of this dessert is cinnamon. Cinnamon has been in the media recently as some smarty pants discovered it was excellent at controlling insulin levels- like this is new news??!?!?!

Eastern Medicine has been using Cinnamon for centuries to help regulate blood sugar levels, ease an upset stomach and improve circulation. Now that these benefits are being rediscovered cinnamon is available in tablet form in a therapeutic dose.

Living in the western world we can probably all use a little help with our insulin levels so why not try to get more cinnamon into our diets?!

Try my yummy, quick and easy CINNAMON recipe-

You will need:

Cinnamon (of course)
Organic Greek yoghurt (made from grass fed cows)
Kashi Cereal bar (you can choose any granola/ muesli bar that is under 5g of sugar and is high protein)

Crush up the bar into sizeable chunks and layer in a parfait glass with generous sprinkles of cinnamon and dollops of yoghurt. Enjoy!!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A romantic Vegetarian Meal for two

Being vegetarian or having diet restrictions can always be awkward when you first start dating, especially if your significant other is not used to dining with someone who has food restrictions.

There always seems to be that awkward bead of stress when choosing a restaurant.....will there be something my vegetarian counterpart can eat?.....Us vegetarians know that there is usually always something on the menu that we can order but, aside from eating out here is a great dish you can cook up for your vegetarian lover that will please all involved.

Check out this recipe for Teriyaki Tofu with an Eggplant, Basil and Mozzarella stack! Its fool proof, looks impressive, is easy to eat and is carb - free (no bloating here!!)

To start you will need:

1 block of sprouted tofu or firm tofu
Kona Coast island teriyaki marinade (I am obsessed with this!! but any marinade will do)
1 eggplant
1 tub of Boccini or baby mozzarella
1 punnet of cherry tomatoes
Bunch of Basil
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar

Start of with the eggplant. Finely slice it and spray with oil. Rub with salt and pepper (or get more adventurous and use your favourite spice rub). Place in oven to bake on medium heat, turn half way.

Slice mozzarella balls, and cherry tomatoes in half.

Slice tofu, place in pan with a little oil. Once cooked on each side, toss through a bit of the teriyaki marinade and cook to add colour. Remove from pan.

Assemble the eggplant stack with alternating layers of eggplant, mozzarella and basil. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil.


So easy and it looks so impressive!

Brussels Sprouts- not the enemy you thought they were

Lets face it, the Brussels Sprout gets a bad rap. It is the go-to- gag vegetable every time, but in truth it is actually delicious if you cook it right!!!

I am on a mission to win you over! Brussels sprouts will no longer be bullied after you try this delicious recipe. 

I am going to call this dish Yummy Brussels Sprouts as the sprouts get a wonderful crust which is slightly sweet, garlicky and salty- think BBQ flavour...its so easy and so delicious. 

- Lowering cholesterol 
- Maintains thyroid health
- Cancer fighting properties
- Anti-inflammatory
- Good source of Vitamin K & C

- Cook them too long and they will be mushy- yuck
- Cook them for not long enough and they will be crunchy and harsh tasting- yuck
- Brussels sprouts need to be 'al dente', cook them till the leaves turn a brilliant green and the little white cores begin to go slightly transparent.
- The trick is to give them some colour, you dont want to burn them but you want to cook them in the pan till they develop a golden-caramel crust. 


Cut your brussels sprouts in half and place them cut side down in a fry pan that has been sprayed with a little spray oil (I use rice bran oil). 

Let them cook over a medium-high heat until they begin to slightly soften and develop a bit of golden charring. (4-5 min)

Turn them over and cook on the other side and do the same. (4-5 min) 

I LOVE 'Kona Coast Island Teriyaki Marinade and Sauce' it is so delicious! I spoon that (maybe 2-3 spoons for 8-9 whole sprouts) over the brussel sprouts just to coat them. Toss it around and cook it on medium-high to give the brussel sprouts some color. 


SO DELICIOUS!! You will LOVE brussels sprouts after this I promise!! 

Recipe is so quick and easy, it literally takes 10 minutes to cook and 2 minutes to prep!


Disclaimer: If you are not sold on the brussels sprouts after this recipe leave a comment! Would love to hear what you think. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Orange & Butternut Ravioli with Kale and Zucchini

This is not really a recipe but more of a cooking INSPIRATION.

I love pasta, and I know a lot of people view it as the enemy, particularly if you are trying to loose weight, but I have a soft spot for ravioli. It doesn't feel as stodgy as a bowl of pasta does to me, for some reason I find it lighter. Maybe because the filling takes away some of the carbie-ness and gives it more richness.

Anyway, I hope this recipe inspires you to make something delicious!

I purchased Orange infused butternut ravioli and mixed with it some Kale and Zucchini which had been lightly sauteed in garlic and rice bran oil. I lightly drizzled chilli sauce on top. It was delicious.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Vegetarian Tomato & Basil Frittata

When I first started writing this blog I was a strict Vegetarian. Now as the years have passed I have started introducing fish and seafood into my diet.....Why?

Well, I really felt like my diet was lacking in protein. Not to say that you cant get adequate protein as a vegetarian, but I knew I wasn't.

As I have said before being vegetarian is not just about taking away meat its about substituting meat and while substituting you have to make sure you are eating complete proteins, (you can read more about this in my previous blog on vegetarianism), anyway, eggs are a great source of complete protein for vegetarians so try this YUMMY frittata out!

Again, its super quick and easy and you can adjust it to whatever you have on hand.
It serves 4-5 people.

What do you need?

5 organic eggs, beaten

1 large tomato, sliced

5-7 basil leaves

cheddar cheese, grated

dash of milk or water


1/2 onion finely diced

2 cloves of garlic finely chopped

What do you need to do?

Saute the onion and garlic in a pan till cooked through. The onion should turn transparent and then you know its done. Set aside but keep in fry pan.

In a bowl whisk together eggs, milk or water (just add a dash, maybe like 1 tbs) and add cheese (maybe 1/2 cup depending on how cheesy you want it...) and the pepper.

Put the onion mix back on the stove and pour the egg mixture over it. You can spread the onion out a bit so its even. Then top with slices of tomato and cook on low heat.

Just before the top is set, add the basil leaves, you can also add extra cheese if you wish (maybe parmesan?)
You may need to stick the top of the frittata into the broiler/griller to cook the top depending on how thick or thin your frittata is. If you are putting it in the griller/broiler just make sure you are using the right kind of fry pan. :)

Once its cooked serve with salad and crusty rye bread.


Try adding cooked pasta, parsley, oregano, bacon, red/green peppers, mushrooms, spinach, leek.....the options are endless!

Friday, June 22, 2012

On a Budget Open face Tofu Sandwich


This recipe is so ridiculously easy, quick and delicious!

To start with you will need a block of tofu. Of course, organic is always best but I have found Organic Sprouted Tofu at Trader Joe's and it is delicious!

Sprouted grains are higher in nutrients so sprouted tofu is generally higher in protein, iron and calcium as compared to regular tofu. The only thing is that I think it is also higher in fat and calories....

I dont want to get into the 'Great Soy Debate' here in this blog post but if you have heard that soy is bad for you I will quickly say that soy is ok in moderation. Most processed products particularly here in the US contain a lot of soy by- products like soybean oil and that I would definitely avoid! But fermented soy products like tempeh and even tofu is good in moderation.

Anyway, back on to the recipe! So to marinate the tofu I used the cheap combination of ketchup, soy sauce and garlic. Just a splash of each and then I rubbed each tofu steak in finely chopped garlic. So cheap! And surprisingly tasty. Fry it up with a bit of spray oil until the outside is golden and its cooked through.

Serve on either toasted sprouted grain or wheat free bread with some avocado, feta cheese, spinach leaves and ketchup and mustard if you wish.






Friday, June 15, 2012

Strawberry Kefir Smoothie

Yes, you could say I am a little obsessed with Kefir but its just so great for our bellies and digestive system! It has definitely helped me stop bloating and it keeps your insides clean! Try it!

To make this smoothie you will need a blender, strawberries, a dash of water, kefir and a pinch of cinnamon (if i had ground cardamon i would so add it!). Chuck it all in the blender and turn it on- so easy!

Fruit: Any berries or soft fruit like peaches, mango etc
Spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamon
Feel free to add your favourite protein powder or nutritional supplements. :)

Healthy Carrot Mini-Muffins

This is kind of like a low-sugar carrot cake. Its great in the mornings or as a snack and I actually wrote down my quantities this time so I can give you a proper recipe!

Makes 6


2 tbs butter
2 tbs sugar
1 large organic egg beaten
3 tbs plain kefir
1/4 cup of self rising whole wheat flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 cup of grated carrot

Using a wooden spoon beat the butter and sugar together in a bowl (you can use electric beaters but I dont own any so I did it by hand....). Gradually add the egg bit by bit and continue to beat with wooden spoon.

Add the carrots and cinnamon and gently mix. Then add the kefir and lastly, the flour.

Spoon the batter into a muffin pan. Bake at 425 F for about 15-20 minutes.

Questions you may or may not have:

1.) Can I use oil instead?
Sure! Just make sure its an oil with a high smoke point like rice bran oil or coconut oil

2.) You did this all by hand, I want to use my mixer, am I lazy?
Yes, but its ok, if I owned a mixer I would use one too. Just be careful not to over beat the mixture. Keep it on a slow speed and don't over do it!

3.) These are not sweet, can I add more sugar?
No, I dont recommend it. But once they are cooked you can serve it with cream cheese and 100% fruit spread if you like.

4.) Is there anything I can use besides kefir?
Yes, you can try any type of milk that you like, sour cream or even yoghurt. Just check the consistency. It shouldn't be runny or too thick and pasty.

Toasted Oats with blackberries & kefir

Ok, so this recipe came about when I was too lazy/ unorganised to make a batch of granola (see previous post) so this is a really quick way to do it in the morning.

Get one serve of oats, spread them out on a piece of foil and stick them in the broiler/griller. Watch them as they will burn easily! Keep mixing them every few minutes. It should take about 3-4 minutes depending on the heat of your broiler.

Add blackberries (or any fresh fruit you like), dried fruit/nuts/seeds etc and top with plain kefir, your choice of milk or yoghurt. I also sprinkle mine with ground linseeds for extra nutrition! YUM!!!

  • What is kefir?
Kefir is like drinking yoghurt but it has a bunch more probiotics/ good bacteria added! It tastes like yoghurt and is so good for you and your digestion. Be warned, do not buy flavoured Kefir! It has so much sugar added and these good bacterias find it difficult so survive in sugary environments! Including your gut! So watch that sugar intake!!! 

What should I eat for breakfast?

I am all about cooking on a budget and cooking healthy. Here is a perfect and cheap way to wake up in the morning....


So before you freak out, making granola at home is SO EASY and fast and CHEAP.

Look at the pic- doesn't it look YUMMMY??!?!?

Simply get some whole oats (not quick oats!) and whack them in the oven on a medium heat until they become golden.

Yes, you can add some melted butter and cinnamon or even oil but because I like to keep the cost down I don't add anything.

Just keep MIXING the oats in the baking tray every so often so they can be evenly toasted. It should take about 20 minutes.

Then once the oats are done you can add whatever you like- dried fruits, nuts, seeds, ground flaxseed.

Store in an airtight container and you have cheap and yummy homemade granola!

Points to note:

  • If you do decide to use a fat to coat your oats I would choose either butter, rice bran oil or coconut oil. You can use as little or as much as you want, it doesn't matter but the more you use, the crunchier the oats will become. 

  • Let the oats cool down before you store them. The oats will nicely crispen as they cool.

  • If you prefer your nuts toasted rather than raw you can add them into the oat mixture towards the end- just be careful as nut oils are delicate! (i have posted about this before...) 

  • IDEAS: raisins, shaved coconut, dried cranberries, dried berries, cashews, peanuts, almonds, brazil nuts, peans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds..........

Serve with your choice of milk or yoghurt! 

I love cooking but dont ask me what I put in it...

I have been totally MIA on this blog, partly because other opportunities were calling, but now I am back to help spread my recipes which I have been working on and some of which have been picked up for publication!! Woohoo....I am going to post these all over pinterest and you can get all the details about them here! Enjoy!

Just a FYI: I am so bad at following recipes and I tend to make up everything on the spot so the recipes I give are rough, totally open to interpretation and flexible!! I dont know if this is a good thing or not..... :)

"Cooking is like love; it should be entered into with abandon or not at all..."- Julia Child